L349TH Ludwig Standard Saddle Throne

Regular Price: $183.00
On Sale For: $119.99
SKU:  ae00-15715^L349TH
Manufacturer Part #:  L349TH
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Pro features don’t always have a high price tag attached. Ludwig 300 Series hardware features the functionality, heavy tubing and sturdy, double braced legs that are normally only found on high-end stands. The Ludwig standard saddle-style drum throne L349TH offers high-quality traditional support and features a locking seat to prevent spinning. This drum throne offers a durable saddle-style fabric top for comfort, as well as secure double bracing. Features: Ludwig Saddle Style Drum Throne Double braced Fabric top Lowest height: 18” Highest height: 27" UPC: 641064504365 MPN: L349TH
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